After 5 years of teaching, I can finally go into a conference confidently and with little worries. Parent-Teacher Conferences used to intimidate me. Meeting with parents and discussing their child's grades and behaviors would stress me out! I always thought that I went into teaching because I love working with kids, not so much with adults. However, being a teacher is also about working with parents, colleagues, and the community. Parent-Teacher Conferences are about building relationships with your students' parents and families. If you have good rapport with your students' families than you have support at home.
I've learned by being more prepared and with some experience, you can go into parent conferences with more confidence and less stress. Here are some tools and tips I use before going into a parent-teacher conference.
Have a Student-Teacher Conference prior. I like to pull my students aside, one-on-one, and discuss their academics and behavior. These informal student conferences allows my students to be aware of how they are doing and it builds on your student/teacher relationship. After having a one-on-one conference, I give each student their own self-evaluation form. These reflection forms are a time for students to reflect on their behavior and academics
Have refreshments and a sign in sheet. Show that you care about your students' parents and want them to feel comfortable too. It's also helpful to have a sign in sheet as a record of who came. This especially helps when you have students with split families.
Lastly, have parents write an encouraging note about how proud they are of their child. Hold onto it and place all notes on each student's desk before school. So when they walk in that morning, they start their school day on a positive note. If you have no show parents, don't leave that child without a note. Write a note yourself about how proud you are of all their accomplishments.
Check out these great forms for your next Parent-Teacher Conference.
This packet includes:
Student reflection sheet
>>> Conference reminder
>>> Conference sign in sheet
Proud parent note
Conference in session sign I hope this helps you and good luck on your next conferences. Let me know how your Parent-Teacher Conferences turn out.